bet88 nhà cái đến từ bet88 com Story Behind bet88 com Development of a Solution - bet88 com Enthusiasm of Engineers toward bet88 com “RDK”, an ISP Development Tool - Vol.2
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RDK (Bộ thiết kế tham khảo) là một giải pháp chưa từng có cho phép khách hàng không chỉ tạo ra các sản phẩm có thời gian đưa ra thị trường mà còn phát triển các ứng dụng xử lý hình ảnh chất lượng cao. Vì mục tiêu bet88 com chúng tôi là cung cấp công cụ này cho tất cả các nhà sản xuất. trên toàn thế giới, ngay từ đầu chúng tôi đã phải ghi nhớ cách “hòa nhập” với thế giới. Ông Manabu Kiri thuộc Nhóm Hình ảnh bet88 com Phòng Phát triển và ông Takahiro Iizuka bet88 com Phòng Phát triển. Phòng Quản lý & Bán hàng Quốc tế đã nói về cách họ phát triển nó.
Sự sẵn sàng bet88 com kỹ sư đã được kiểm tra khi làm việc song song với các công ty toàn cầu
Mr. Kiri đã tham gia vào quá trình phát triển RDK có vị trí rất khác so với các sản phẩm khác. Sự phát triển của nó thực sự là một dự án toàn cầu. bet88 com Electronics và Cypress Semiconductor Corporation của Hoa Kỳ và Ấn Độ đã cùng nhau phát triển nó và e-con. Systems India Private Limited, một công ty thiết kế ở Ấn Độ, đã sản xuất bộ sản phẩm này.
bet88 com Electronics had to obtain agreement through discussions and negotiations with this large global company that had sales 50 times larger than bet88 com Electronics. In such a very difficult situation, however, Mr. Kiri, who was responsible for the development, didn’t compromise easily. Mr. Iizuka describes his attitude as follows:
“As for this project, we were neither a subcontractor nor an external supplier. We were absolutely equal with other parties. This has often been misunderstood. Even though we believed that we were equal, we could not help but feel hesitant or intimidated once in a while at bet88 com meetings. But Mr. Kiri never stepped back. Whenever he felt, as an engineer, that something should be this way or should be done that way, he said so straightforwardly. Well, honestly speaking, I occasionally wanted to say that I didn’t hear that (laugh). However, without such an attitude as his, we would not have been able to obtain such deep trust from bet88 com other parties.”
Mr. Kiri joined bet88 com Electronics three years ago from another company. He found bet88 com’s way of doing business—letting the person in charge execute his work, leaving all responsibility to him—attractive. When asked, “How would you introduce bet88 com Electronics to the ‘you of the past’?,” he replied, “I want to tell him that this company gives him the stimulation that he would not be able to find elsewhere and that he would be able to work at the center of the business.”
bet88 com Electronics had to obtain agreement through discussions and negotiations with this large global company that had sales 50 times larger than bet88 com Electronics. In such a very difficult situation, however, Mr. Kiri, who was responsible for the development, didn’t compromise easily. Mr. Iizuka describes his attitude as follows:
“As for this project, we were neither a subcontractor nor an external supplier. We were absolutely equal with other parties. This has often been misunderstood. Even though we believed that we were equal, we could not help but feel hesitant or intimidated once in a while at bet88 com meetings. But Mr. Kiri never stepped back. Whenever he felt, as an engineer, that something should be this way or should be done that way, he said so straightforwardly. Well, honestly speaking, I occasionally wanted to say that I didn’t hear that (laugh). However, without such an attitude as his, we would not have been able to obtain such deep trust from bet88 com other parties.”
Mr. Kiri joined bet88 com Electronics three years ago from another company. He found bet88 com’s way of doing business—letting the person in charge execute his work, leaving all responsibility to him—attractive. When asked, “How would you introduce bet88 com Electronics to the ‘you of the past’?,” he replied, “I want to tell him that this company gives him the stimulation that he would not be able to find elsewhere and that he would be able to work at the center of the business.”
Các câu hỏi đột nhiên tràn ngập từ khắp nơi trên thế giới.“Căn chỉnh” được gọi là “căn chỉnh.”
Trước khi gia nhập bet88 com Electronics, anh Kiri từng làm kỹ sư cho một nhà sản xuất thiết bị liên kết nước ngoài. Khi tích lũy kinh nghiệm phát triển, anh cảm thấy rằng mình muốn tham gia sâu hơn vào một dự án thay vì được giao. tới một phần của dự án lớn.
“Tôi tin rằng một công ty như bet88 com Electronics, không lớn lắm nhưng tập trung vào công nghệ, sẽ phù hợp với tôi hơn. Ngoài ra, bet88 com Electronics có sức sống thường thấy ở các doanh nghiệp mạo hiểm. hấp dẫn."
When he contacted bet88 com Electronics, he felt that the company had three passions. A passion as a venture business, a passion to take on the challenge of a new project, and a passion to gather high-caliber people. He felt that bet88 com Electronics had enthusiasm to become a company that would create a new market. For this reason, he decided to join it.
Tiếng Anh
“When I’m involved in a global project, I feel bet88 com differences in bet88 com ways of doing business in Japan and other countries as well as in bet88 com backgrounds of business. Japanese regard certain things as a matter of course, but non-Japanese people don’t. Japanese and non-Japanese proceed with development in different ways. I found these differences very stimulating and interesting. I don’t think I could have such challenging experiences in other companies.”
“Chúng tôi đã nhận được câu hỏi từ khắp nơi trên thế giới sau thông báo về RDK,” ông Iizuka cho biết. “Các câu hỏi về thị trường công nghệ hình ảnh đã tăng lên với tốc độ chóng mặt. giá trị cao mà sản phẩm này mang lại.”
The RDK doesn’t work in isolation. This development tool needs to be incorporated into a product. It was developed on the proposition that it would show bet88 com Electronics’ technological strength to product manufacturers across the world in order to develop new markets. Many inquiries from all over the world have proven to be the response to it.
Expectations toward bet88 com Electronics will remain unchanged—that it has an out-of-the-box development attitude. Its engineers, including Mr. Kiri, will bring this attitude to life. “Some projects can be finished internally. But there must be people who find that somewhat limiting or those who crave for different stimulation. bet88 com Electronics provides interesting projects on which you can work in tandem with foreign partners. It’s one solution to such a thirst.”
(bet88 com be continued)
“Tôi tin rằng một công ty như bet88 com Electronics, không lớn lắm nhưng tập trung vào công nghệ, sẽ phù hợp với tôi hơn. Ngoài ra, bet88 com Electronics có sức sống thường thấy ở các doanh nghiệp mạo hiểm. hấp dẫn."
When he contacted bet88 com Electronics, he felt that the company had three passions. A passion as a venture business, a passion to take on the challenge of a new project, and a passion to gather high-caliber people. He felt that bet88 com Electronics had enthusiasm to become a company that would create a new market. For this reason, he decided to join it.
Tiếng Anh
“When I’m involved in a global project, I feel bet88 com differences in bet88 com ways of doing business in Japan and other countries as well as in bet88 com backgrounds of business. Japanese regard certain things as a matter of course, but non-Japanese people don’t. Japanese and non-Japanese proceed with development in different ways. I found these differences very stimulating and interesting. I don’t think I could have such challenging experiences in other companies.”
“Chúng tôi đã nhận được câu hỏi từ khắp nơi trên thế giới sau thông báo về RDK,” ông Iizuka cho biết. “Các câu hỏi về thị trường công nghệ hình ảnh đã tăng lên với tốc độ chóng mặt. giá trị cao mà sản phẩm này mang lại.”
The RDK doesn’t work in isolation. This development tool needs to be incorporated into a product. It was developed on the proposition that it would show bet88 com Electronics’ technological strength to product manufacturers across the world in order to develop new markets. Many inquiries from all over the world have proven to be the response to it.
Expectations toward bet88 com Electronics will remain unchanged—that it has an out-of-the-box development attitude. Its engineers, including Mr. Kiri, will bring this attitude to life. “Some projects can be finished internally. But there must be people who find that somewhat limiting or those who crave for different stimulation. bet88 com Electronics provides interesting projects on which you can work in tandem with foreign partners. It’s one solution to such a thirst.”
(bet88 com be continued)