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Ontario Power Generation (OPG) is committed to producing reliable, clean energy according to the highest standards of safety.

Explore how we work with partners and regulatory bodies to help maintain this high level of safety and security for the benefit of all Ontarians.

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OPG works closely with our many partners to protect the environment. These partners include:

  • Local conservation authorities
  • The Regional Health Department
  • Ministry of the Environment, Conservation, and Parks
  • Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
  • The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC)

These agencies provide oversight to Durham’s nuclear plant operations.

As part of our commitment to transparency, OPG publicly reports its emission rates four times each year. Learn more about OPG’s football betting tips|Official.

Excellence in Nuclear Operations is a key focus at Ontario Power Generation. We remain committed to providing clean energy while protecting the public, the environment, and our staff.
Steve Gregoris
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Assessments and monitoring

Learn more about and read the reports that we provide our communities and partners as part of our commitment to safe and transparent operations.

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) has given OPG’s Pickering and Darlington nuclear stations its highest possible safety ratings.

The 2017 Nuclear Safety Report gave Pickering Nuclear its best-ever rating for the third consecutive year, while Darlington Nuclear achieved the highest standard for the ninth year in a row.

Combined, the plants provide about 30% of the electricity used in the Ontario.

Darlington’s high rating is the strongest continuous performance by any Canadian nuclear power plant and is recognized by the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) as among the top performing nuclear power plants in the world.

OPG and Ontario are investing $12.8 billion in refurbishing the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station, and, as one of Canada’s largest clean power projects, it will preserve about 3,000 jobs and provide 30-plus years of clean, reliable base load power at a cost lower than other alternatives considered.

OPG also plans to continue the operation of Pickering Nuclear until 2024 to ensure a reliable, clean source of base load electricity during refurbishment.

Independent studies show that Pickering can operate reliably and safely to 2024 and that doing so would avoid 17 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions released into the atmosphere. That’s like taking 3.4 million cars off Ontario roads.

Continued operations will:

  • Save consumers $600 million dollars.
  • Protect 4,500 jobs in Durham Region.
  • Reflect public support: 75% of Ontarians support the refurbishment of Darlington, and 80 percent supporting the Pickering extension.

Explore the CNSC 2015 Integrated Safety Assessment.

OPG is committed to safeguarding against airborne and waterborne effluents from the Pickering and Darlington nuclear stations.

OPG conducts continuous radiological environmental monitoring programs (REMP) in the vicinity of our power stations to determine the radiological impact to the public from the operation of these stations.

This data is compiled and provided to the public in annual reports.

Our extensive monitoring programs include assessing concentrations of radionuclides in:

  • Air, water, soil, sediments.
  • Vegetation and fish samples.
  • The milk from local dairy cows.

Samples are taken near Darlington and Pickering, and at key provincial locations, to determine naturally occurring radiation levels in areas away from the influence of nuclear stations.

Preparation of these annual reports is a regulatory requirement of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, and you can football betting tips|Official website_job as required by the CSNC.

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